Tuesday, April 24, 2007

the new prospectus

Usually I do not follow outlines for papers but when it comes to a long paper such as a research paper I tend to follow them because they keep me in line with what I have to do and keep me away from what I do not have to type in the paper. Here's my new prospectus

Prospectus Drug Testing in Employment

  1. Introduction
    Show what I read and what were its’ main points
  2. Background
    Talk about issues that are happening right now such as Barry Bonds and other examples
  3. Argument Reconstruction
    What is the author trying to get across about the two arguments?
  4. Argument Evaluation
    -Talk about the first argument which consist of job performance and knowledge of drug use
    -Talk about the second argument which consist of harm and knowledge of drug use to prevent harm
  5. Countenance Possible Responses
    What ways can drug testing be dealt different?
  6. Overall Merit of Argument
    My evaluation of the arguments the author presents
  7. Outstanding Questions/Emerging Issues
    What can we do to make people feel like their privacy is not being invaded? Can we not have drug testing at all?
  8. Conclusion Just try to wrap everything up that I learned from the article and other resources

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